Services Overview

The First-Year Housing Questionnaire

First-year students are required to live on campus. The summer before moving in, they fill out a First-Year Housing Questionnaire.

Application opens the first week of May.

The Rising Sophomore
Housing Lottery

After students complete their first term at Harvard College, they take part in a lottery to be assigned to a House.

First-year students register in the spring.

Transfer Houses

After living in their assigned House for two terms, students can apply to transfer to another House via an Inter-House Transfer.

Applications open each fall and spring.

Cancel or Return to Housing

Students must complete a cancellation form if they study abroad, take a leave, or move off-campus. They must also apply to return.

Request can be made year-round. Late fees apply.

Recess Housing

Winter and Summer Recess Housing allows eligible students to live and dine on campus during winter or summer breaks.

Applications open each fall and spring.