Review the move-out dates and checklist before you leave campus housing.
Storage is not available on campus. You can hire storage or shipping vendors at your own expense.
On This Page:
Upcoming Move Out Dates
Spring Move-Out Checklist
1. Tidy Your Space
2. Donate Unwanted Items
3. Mail
4. Bicycles
5. Shipping & Storage
6. Return Your Keys
Spring 2025 Move-Out Information
The last day for all undergraduate students (not participating in commencement activities) to move out of their spring term housing is Sunday, May 18, 2025* at noon.
The spring move-out date for graduating seniors is Friday, May 30, 2025** at 2:00 PM.
Housing extensions are not permitted unless you are pre-approved to stay on campus after the move-out date.
For more information regarding summer housing opportunities, please visit our summer housing page.
*The day after the Spring term FAS examination period ends, as posted by the Registrar’s Office.
**The day after commencement, as posted by the Registrar’s Office.
Fall 2025 Move-Out Information
The last day for all undergraduate students to move out of their fall term housing is Saturday, December 20, 2025* at noon.
Housing extensions are not permitted unless you are pre-approved to stay on campus after the move-out date.
For more information regarding winter housing opportunities, please visit our winter housing page.
*The day after the Fall term FAS examination period ends, as posted by the Registrar’s Office.
Upcoming Move-Out Dates
Move-Out Checklist
Review the Tidy Your Space, Donate Unwanted Items, Mail, Bicycles, Shipping & Storage, and Return Your Keys sections of this page to ensure you move out of your space on time and avoid move-out fees.
1. Tidy Your Space
- Remove all trash and recycling from your room. Do not leave any trash or recycling in your room, bathrooms, hallways, stairwells, or outside the building.
- Sweep/vacuum your floor
- Clean your bathroom
- If you rented a MicroFridge from Harvard Student Agencies (HSA), empty, clean, unplug, and leave its door open. HSA will pick it up from your room.
- Close and lock your windows
- Turn down your heat/thermostat
- Report any maintenance issues in your suite, room, or common spaces
- Do not trash vape pens or old phones
2. Donate Unwanted Items
What can I donate?
Examples of commonly donated items include:
- Books, Office Supplies, & Electronics
- Clothing and shoes (tied together)
- Household Goods & Furniture (e.g., lamps, fans, chairs, rugs, bedding)
How should I package donations?
- Place items in donation bins. Place larger items next to containers, so no need to place them in containers if they don’t fit.
- Breakable items such as dishes or mugs should be wrapped in paper to preserve them.
Donation locations in the Yard:
- Any non-Harvard furniture you wish to donate to Habitat for Humanity should be taken to the trash/recycling room.
- Large items should be taken to collection boxes next to Boylston & Thayer / Canaday.
Donation locations in the Houses: The Recycling and Surplus Center drops donation bins at all the trash rooms as move-out approaches.
3. Mail
- Set up mail forwarding
- Clear out your current mailbox
- Pick up all packages
- Update your “ship to” address when purchasing future items. Avoid using your current College address.
4. Bicycles
We do not allow bicycles to be stored on campus over the summer. All bicycles locked to racks will be tagged by facilities on May 31. If an owner does not claim their bicycle by June 15, it will be donated.
5. Shipping & Storage
Take all of your belongings with you! Storage is not available on campus.
If you choose, you can make storage/shipping arrangements with outside vendors. Harvard does not promote specific companies, but we have listed a few companies below which you can use independently:
- The UPS Store
955 Massachusetts Ave.
(Near HUPD Station)
Telephone 617-868-5055
email: - The UPS Store
1770 Massachusetts Avenue (between Harvard and Porter Square )
Telephone 617-661-7171
website: - United Parcel Service (UPS)
(800) 742-5877
Watertown, MA - United States Postal Service
125 Mt. Auburn Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
(800) ASK-USPS - Collegeboxes
Collegeboxes offers shipping and storage. Sign-up and details are online at Click on “Harvard University.” - Olympia Moving & Storage
6. Return Your Keys
Return your room key to:
- Building Manager if you live in a House.
- Harvard Yard Operations if you live in a Dorm.
If you are checking out after hours and the return location is closed (typically outside the hours of Monday-Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm):
- Put your key in a key envelope
- Write your name on it
- Seal it
- Drop it off in the return location’s mail slot
You will be charged a $50 fee if:
- You do not return your key on time.
- Your return cannot be verified because, for example, your name is not on the envelope, etc.
Can I store my stuff on campus for just one day?
Per the College policies, there is no possibility of storing your belongings on campus outside of your assigned move-in and move-out dates. This is to ensure your belongings are not removed against your wishes. You may wish to arrange with a third party to store your belongings in an alternate space.