Submit requests to cancel, transfer, return to housing, and more in the Residential Portal.
Students can submit this request year-round.
If a student wishes to study abroad, take a leave of absence, or move off-campus, students should complete a Housing Cancellation form.
When students are ready to return, they should submit a Returning Student Application.

Applications open for fall and spring early each term.
After living in their assigned House for two terms, students can apply to transfer to another house via an Inter-House Transfer application.

The Rising Sophomore Housing Lottery
Rising Sophomores must register each spring.
After students complete their first term at Harvard College, they take part in the Rising Sophomore Lottery.

First-Year Housing Questionnaire
Applications open the first week of May.
First-year students are required to live on campus. They fill out a First-Year Housing Questionnaire the summer before moving in.

Undergraduate Veteran or Family Housing
Eligible undergraduates can make this request year-round.
Undergraduates of Harvard College who are veterans (of any country), married, or have custody of children can request apartment-style housing.
No incoming first-year undergraduate students can request this housing type.