First-year students are required to live on campus.
First-Year Housing Questionnaire
Each summer, incoming students can submit first-year housing questionnaires through the Residential Portal. The College will notify you when it is time to submit.
Contact the First-Year Experience Office for more information about first-year programs and resources.
How to Complete the Questionnaire
If you have any questions about the housing questionnaire, please contact the First-Year Experience Office (FYE).
First-Year Harvard Dorm Tour 2024
The Application Cycle
Housing Questionnaire
Early in the summer, the First-Year Experience Office contacts directs students to fill out a First-Year Housing Questionnaire in the Residential Portal, indicating lifestyle choices (e.g. your typical sleep schedule).

Yard Assignment
Each first-year is then randomly assigned to one of four first-year “Yards” or neighborhoods : Ivy, Crimson, Elm, Oak. Learn more about the Yards on the Dean of Students website.

Roommate Assignment
The Resident Dean of First-Year Students for your yard will carefully read through every roommate application and make pairings.

Receive Assignment
The First-Year Experience Office emails first-year housing assignment in July or August before first-year move-in.